
All addresses

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Contact information

Report incidents


Technical enquiries,
Realtime platform and DPI (Passenger Information and Data Collection)

Behnaz Saemi: behnaz.saemi

Technical enquiries,
Ruter Sales and Payments


Elisabeth Jensen: elisabeth.jensen

Customer Acceptance Test and Vehicle Verification

Espen Schaathun: kh704


Incident handling

Incidents regarding Ruter's apps or Ruter's backend must be reported to Ruter according to the list above. Typically, these are situations that are subject to reporting:

  • Possible problem with Ruter’s backend

  • Issues with the RuterSalg app or DPI App.

  • Issues with signon

Ruter will report known or observed issues regarding PTO equipment or software directly to the PTO’s incident handling.

Ruter will inform all PTOs about any current issues on the portal page.