This page contains all information relevant for connecting to Ruter’s real time platform.
Ruter, as the Public Transport Authority (PTA) of Greater Oslo, offers a complete API for all aspects of realtime communication between vehicles and the Ruter backoffice. Based on position, automated passenger counting (APC) and other sensor data from vehicles, Ruter’s backend platform generates aggregated services both for consumption in the vehicle, on stop displays, as well as Ruter’s own operation control and data analysis.
The API is based on a set of MQTT topics being standardised by the European organization ITxPT to facilitate easier and more transparent integration between services from vehicle manufacturers, system providers, Public Transport Operators (PTOs) and PTAs.
OTA Messages
Over-the-air messages are messages are exchanged between Ruter and vehicles using MQTT. The following information is available:
The ota-schemas repository contains schemas, examples and example code for the message content.
Ruter OTA Message Schemas is the main page for the ota-schemas repository.
OTA Messages documents the MQTT topics and their content.
MQTT Topic Updates describes how topics are updated.